Cardiology is the division of internal medicine. It is the study and treatment of disorders of the heart disorders and the blood vessels. Any individual having heart disease or cardiovascular disorder might be referred to a cardiologist. Cardiologist and cardiac surgeon are involved in treating the heart diseases. Cardiologist is not similar to a cardiologist.

A cardiac surgeon is involved in performing the surgeries by opening the chest whereas a cardiologist in Vijayawada is specialized in diagnosing and treating the cardiovascular system’s diseases. The cardiologist at the best cardiology hospital in Vijayawada will perform tests and some procedures like heart catheterizations, angioplasty, and insertion of a pacemaker.

When do you need cardiologist?

If an individual has symptoms of heart conditions, their general physician may refer them to a cardiologist.

Symptoms of the heart problem include:

  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Variations in the heart rate or rhythm
  • Hypertension


The heart specialist in Vijayawada will carry out the tests for irregular heart rhythm or heart murmur. They are involved in treating patients who have had a heart attack, heart failure or other heart issues. They assist in making decisions about heart surgeries, angioplasty, stents, heart catheterization etc.

Different conditions that cardiology specialist in Vijayawada treat are:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Arrhythmias
  • Coronary heart illness
  • Congenital heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Pericarditis
  • Ventricular tachycardia

They can also advice about preventing heart disorder. A person has to consult a cardiologist even when he/she won’t have symptoms, if they have high cholesterol, family history of heart disease or if they are smoker, if they have diabetes or if they are trying to begin a new exercise program.

Women who had pre-eclampsia is at higher risk of heart problems during pregnancy or menopause.

Tests carried out by cardiologist at best heart hospital in Vijayawada


This test is used to record the electrical activity of the heart

Ambulatory ECG:

This tracks the heart rhythms when the person does the exercise or regular activities. Small metal electrodes are fixed onto the chest and are linked by wires to a Holter monitor that records the rhythms.

Stress test:

This displays the changes of heart rhythm while resting and exercising. It is used to measure the performance and limitations of the chest.


It gives the ultrasound image that displays the structure of the heart chambers and surrounding regions. It can measure how well the heart pumps the blood called as cardiac output. It detects the inflammation around the heart called as pericarditis. It detects the structural abnormalities or heart valve infections.

Cardiac catherization:

It’s a tiny tube in or near the heart that collects the data and helps in relieving a blockage. It captures the pictures and checks the heart functioning and electrical system. Congenital cardiac, valvular and coronary artery disorders can be treated with the help of catheter-based techniques.

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